华乐团成立的宗旨:(一)培训学生们在华乐方面的正确思想及技术、 (二)发扬中华文化的精髓、(三) 提升学生们的团结精神。华乐在现今社会已逐渐被西方文化所取代,因此身为中华子弟的一分子,传承中华文化更是一项使命。因此,“培养品学兼优的学生之际,更要鼓舞学生们活跃于课外活动,所谓‘积财千万不如薄技在身’”,培养一项技艺是不可小觑的一节。
One of the musical clubs at Riam Road Secondary School is the RRSS String Orchestra. This club has a membership of 30 young and aspiring musicians who gather weekly for practice and training under the tutorship of hired professional musicians.
The RRSS String Orchestra performs mainly for the school’s annual concerts but will also perform in public when required. Only recently, the RRSS String Orchestra gave a great performance at the Permaisuri Imperial City Mall in conjunction with Trade Expo 2019.
The choir club generally consists of 10-20 students. The students will perform in school concert and also take part in various competitions.
Choir club will aim to give children the opportunity to develop a love of music and singing, in a friendly environment. We will look at developing a good singing technique and performance skills. Choir club not only aims to foster a love of singing, but nurture self-esteem and confidence within a friendly team.
本学会主要为学校每年的文娱晚会准备华族舞蹈。 本学会也组织学校内的各种活动的表演,同时也会应公众的要求安排学生表演。
This club mainly prepares Chinese dances for the school annual concert. It organises performances for various activities. It also arranges students to perform for public organisations upon request.
The RRSS Cultural Dance Club ( Local Dance ) celebrates all types and styles of Sarawak local dance such like Ngajat , Bidayuh dance , Malay dance and many more.The club aim to empower student through dance as a form of self expression. The club will be a safe-space for all to feel comfortable and to build family-like relationships.
The RRSS Local Cultural Dance Club is dedicated to the spreading of Sarawak ethnic culture at RRSS and in the surrounding community by providing a variety of free classical and ethnic dance lessons to anyone who wishes to learn. As a performance group, the club member work hard to provide a quality exhibitions to properly represent the rich cultural history and significance of each dance they showcase.
The dance lessons are of a variety of genres and are provided by skilled and qualified dance teachers and ex-students. Every year, the dances club will perform at the School Concert and during Bulan Bahasa.
Pom-pom club is formed by a group of 25 female students to boost up the morale of students and to highlight the talent of dance and creativity. It is a good platform for them to practice confidence, leadership and teamwork development. Students get opportunities to represent the school to perform outside after school hour such as in a company’s annual dinner.
Our Vision
Be recognized as a fun and inspiring organization built on a foundation of community spirit.”
Our Mission
Build, Bond and Grow Together in cheer, in Life, and in our community while achieving Excellence through our core values of Integrity, Teamwork and Service.”
Our Strategies
1. Training
2. Performances
3. Activities
Our Values
1. Spirit
2. Discipline
3. Teamwork
4. Flexibility
5. Self- Confidence