社团学会 CLUBS
学术 Academic | 音乐与舞蹈 Music & Dance | 文化与艺术 Arts & Culture | 制服团体 Uniform Bodies | 运动 Sports & Games
Chinese Club
English Language Club
Our English Language Club offers a variety of activities to arouse the students' interest in enhancing the English language. Some of the popular activities we have include drama, scrabble, public speaking and emceeing. We are also actively involved in various competitions throughout the year and we have won many of these competitions. The students enjoy themselves while learning a bit of the language that isn't engaged in the classroom giving full satisfaction to the English Language Club teachers.
Kelab Bahasa Melayu
Melahirkan insan yang berketerampilan daripada pelbagai aspek, berdisiplin, memiliki sahsiah yang terpuji dan mampu berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa Melayu yang gramatis sejajar dengan aspirasi negara.
- Menyuburkan perasaan cinta terhadap Bahasa Melayu
- Menggunakannya bahasa Melayu secara gramatis.
- Menyemai perasaan cinta terhadap sekolah, negeri dan negara supaya wujud warganegara yang berkualiti dan memiliki jati diri yang tinggi.
- Mewujudkan satu Kelab Bahasa Melayu di sekolah yang bergiat aktif untuk melatih murid yang berkebolehan, berkeyakinan tinggi, berketerampilan dan dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik.
- Meningkatkan minat, mengembangkan bakat dan kemahiran murid dalam aktiviti yang dirancang.
- Memaksimumkan penglibatan, kerjasama dan sumbangan dua hala antara sekolah dengan ibu bapa serta membantu murid berinteraksi dengan masyarakat.
- Membina sikap yang positif dan bertanggungjawab terhadap pemeliharaan bahasa dan budaya Melayu.
- Menggalakkan murid menyumbang idea, kemahiran, tenaga dan kreativiti serta menyertai pertandingan-pertandingan di peringkat sekolah, daerah, negeri dan kebangsaan.
- Melahirkan generasi yang berkualiti dan sentiasa prihatin terhadap isu-isu bahasa di samping menerapkan nilai-nilai murni dalam kalangan murid.
Science Club
Science Club is a mentor-based science program for students who are interested in science afterschool. The modern trends in the teaching of science is to emphasize students investigating activity as an integral part of the instructional process. Through activities of a science club, learning of science becomes joyful.
The main aim of the Science Club is to encourage participation of students in science. This is because there is a lack of participatory methods in the classroom and teachers have limited resources to teach science and conduct extra activities for their students. In Science Club, students can carried out experiments by themselves.
It also can develop students' interest in science and to introduce them to a variety of scientific disciplines and to develop their skills in fieldworks, researches and project presentations. Through Science Club, students’ curiosity can be developed because students can work on their own idea with full freedom.
Through the Science Club, students can get a chance of extra learning to explore and investigate science. It also provides students with opportunities to participate in exciting hands-on and challenging Science-related activities, which gets them to think critically, collaborate with their peers and think of creative ways to problem-solve.
- Preparing of posters, models, charts and specimens
- Organizing seminar talks and lectures
- Displaying science news in science corner of the school
- Holding science exhibitions and fairs
- Students participating in science fairs
- Improvising and preparing hand-made apparatus and experiment
- General reading on various topics of scientific literature
- Conducting visual programs such as video of a scientific interest
- Visiting other science clubs
- Arranging visits or field trips to places of scientific interest
- Participating in school activities such as ‘Green-school’ and ‘STEM’
Mathematics Club
The Mathematics Club gives opportunities to the students to showcase their mathematical skills. The main objective of the club are to explore mathematics beyond textbooks and apply it in day-to-day situations. The club conducts activities which give opportunities for the students to solve challenging questions, puzzles and games.
The purpose of Mathematics Club is to develop students’ level of math skills and knowledge. This will be accomplished by using games, activities and some competitions. Students will cooperatively work to complete logic and math puzzles.
- Mathematics Games – Maths Tricks
- Mathematics Quiz to improve student’s knowledge outside textbooks and interest in Mathematics.
- Training for ICAS Mathematics Competition.
STEAM Club is a new club started in the year of 2020. This club is started in conjunction with the STEAM proposed by the government. It consist of robotics and maker sections.
STEAM club helps students in improving their creavitity in solving their daily life situation. Students are able to use the skill their learn in the club to innovate and produce multiple equipments or instruments in order to overcome the problem.Besides that, students are able to learn programming skills in operating the robots.
Club’s speciality and uniqueness:
Students are provided with all the equipment and apparatus such as 3D printer in order to print their product through computer designing.
The students are also provided with the lego robot where they do not need to spend money in order to purchase the expensive lego set.
Students are to learn the skill to operate the robot, to design a product to overcome their daily life problems, to print the product through 3D printer.
Chinese Chess Club
We are a club that aims to promote the uniqueness of the Chinese Tradition in the form of a game. Not only is this going to mentally train pupils at a very young age, it helps them to strategize their solutions in an attempt to solve their daily life problems in the future. A very useful trait indeed in order to survive in the society.
Purpose of the Club
Purpose of the club is to allow pupils to get acquainted with the Chinese Culture. It’s important for pupils to remember their roots, while at the same time allowing students from other cultures to get to know and be familiar with the ancient Chinese game.
Club Specialty and Uniqueness
Membership is open to all regardless of race and religion. Also, we are quick to identify students with talent so that they can be paired up with opponents in a way that could hone the skills of both in playing their Chinese Chess game.
We organize a weekly interclass and interform tournaments to enable students to train and be exposed to opponents of different levels of Chinese Chess game skills.
2nd in the National Level (Female)
2nd in the State Level (Male & Female)
3rd in the International Level (Female)
1st in the State Level (Female Individual and Male Team Event)
1st in the State Level and Interschool Level (Female)
2nd in the Interschool Level (Male)
1st in the State Level (Male)
3rd in the State Level (Female)
Indoor Games Club
Indoor Games Club started since year 2018. This club enables the students to keep their mind active with brain activity that they have to do while playing board games. Indoor games club is a fun and exciting place for the students to discover new games, play their favourites from home or even design new games of their own. This club has a lot of different types of board games such as international chess, monopoly, checkers, scrabble etc.
Indoor games or board games help students to practice essential cognitive skills and enhance the parts of brain responsible for complex thought and memory formation.
Indoor games and activities also play an important part in helping the students to manage the stress level as the fun, joy, and happiness lowers the level of stress and prepares students once again to face the tough daily routines.
Playing board games also brings students through competitive and cooperative gameplay.
Indoor games and activities not only helps students spend more time with existing friends but also provide opportunity to meet new people and get new friends.
Club’s speciality and uniqueness
Board games in this club are an excellent means of teaching language arts, communication and math skills to students. Examples of board games are international chess, monopoly, scrabble, checkers, snakes and ladders etc.
Students are required to bring their own board games except card games and play during co-curriculum activities.
International chess practicing provided to enhance students’ skill in playing the international chess.
Kelab Fotografi
Fotografi ialah proses untuk menghasilkan gambar foto melalui tindakan cahaya. Pola-pola cahaya akan dipancarkan oleh objek-objek dirakamkan pada perantaraan peka atau cip storan melalui pendedahan tertentu. Proses ini dilaksanakan melalui peranti-peranti mekanik, kimia atau digit yang dikenali sebagai kamera.
Kelab yang ditubuhkan ini merupakan gabungan daripada beberapa kemahiran dalam seni digital seperti penggunaan kamera seperti kamera DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) atau videografi dan penggunaan perisian komputer seperti Adobe Photoshop dan Adobe Lightroom.
Memberi peluang kepada setiap pelajar untuk mengembangkan potensi visual dan intelek dalam kemahiran seni digital melalui kamera, telefon pintar mahupun komputer sebagai salah satu kemahiran dan bakat yang ada dalam diri pelajar.
Memperkenalkan asas-asas penggunaan kamera kepada pelajar dan membolehkan pelajar memahami salah satu cabang dalam seni digital.Membina keyakinan pelajar dan menyediakan mereka dengan kemahiran yang mereka ingin pelajari seperti asas-asas fotografi.
Melatih pelajar dalam kemahiran komunikasi dari segi tekstual mahupun visual.
Mengasah serta mencungkil bakat-bakat baru yang ada pada pelajar.
Merancang aktiviti-aktiviti fotografi yang bersesuaian mengikut tahap kemampuan pelajar.
Library Club
Serving its purpose to create a community that loves to read, RRSS Library Club is the perfect place for book lovers and readers alike. Members of the Library Club are given the opportunity to sharpen their leadership skills by taking up weekly duties as the school librarian.
They are equipped with book cataloging and classification skills, which includes labeling, protecting and shelving the books in the school library. In our effort to create a reading community in RRSS, all new students are given two complimentary library cards and from time to time, Library Club in collaboration with RRSS Lions Club would purchase new books in all three main languages (Bahasa Malaysia, English and Chinese).
Furthermore, club members prepare files of story cards or cutting out articles as extra reading materials for NILAM and the ‘Reading For Pleasure’ programme. As for annual activities, members get to organize and run a booth during the RRSS Annual Food Fair where they will all wear the T-shirt specially designed by the Library Club members. Other activities conducted by the club are Movie Day, Arts and Crafts session and games.